The NGSL U8, U10 &U12 program introduces children to basic ski techniques and skills, basic safety rules, and teamwork. Enjoyment of the sport and the mountain environment is also emphasized.
The program consists of seven levels that outline key skills that the children require to progress from beginner to the athletic skier, and eventually to learn the basic tactical skills that are required to be a ski racer. There are three primary age categories U8 (6-7yo), U10 (8-9yo) and U12 (10-11yo).
No racing experience is required, but skiers must be able to ski in control and use the chairlift. The junior athletes are assessed for their ability and groups are formed with a coach assigned to each group.
For more detailed information, click here.

4-5YRS U6
6-7YRS U8
$798 Fort McMurray Ski Team Fee
$150 of Alberta Alpine racer fees
additional $86 for Alberta Alpine family membership fee
Volunteer Levy cheque of $500 made payable to FMCSS post dated to May 1, 2024.
Vista Ridge lift passes are not included in the Club registration.
Please note Alberta Alpine Fees must be paid at point of registration, club fees will be collected separately and can be paid at future date

$892 Fort McMurray Ski Team Fee
$187 of Alberta Alpine racer fees
additional $86 for Alberta Alpine family membership fee
Volunteer Levy cheque of $500 made payable to FMCSS post dated to May 1, 2024.
Vista Ridge lift passes are not included in the Club registration.
Please note Alberta Alpine Fees must be paid at point of registration, club fees will be collected separately and can be paid at future date

$1083 Fort McMurray Ski Team Fee
$193 of Alberta Alpine racer fees
additional $86 for Alberta Alpine family membership fee
Volunteer Levy cheque of $500 made payable to FMCSS post dated to May 1, 2024.
Vista Ridge lift passes are not included in the Club registration.
Please note Alberta Alpine Fees must be paid at point of registration, club fees will be collected separately and can be paid at future date
Ski Training Days
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Some Fridays may be incorporated.
Start of the season depends on when Vista Ridge opens. (Usually around last week of November).
Detailed schedules will be updated through TEAM SNAP (free downloadable app) for skier attendance tracking.
Dryland Training
U8 and U10: NO Dryland Training
Starting mid-September through mid-November.Will be held outdoors until October then moved inside ( Usually Holy Trinity and other arranged activity locations)
Fee for this training are included in skier registration fees.