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This document outlines the rules and regulations of the Fort McMurray Competitive Ski Society (FMCSS). It is intended as a guideline for coaches, racers and parents so they will have a common understanding of the expectations. It has been approved by the Board of Directors of Fort McMurray Competitive Ski Society.


1.0 Coaching





All coaches will be required to have at least Entry Level Trained CSCF and Level 1 CSIA Certification unless the Board of Directors agrees to an exception. The tuition cost for coaching certification courses will be reimbursed by the FMCSS after completion of one season of coaching our programs and upon receipt of the approved expense reimbursement form. Travel and living expenses for courses are the responsibility of the student.


Regarding activities in the freestyle areas of Vista Ridge, Coaches to supervise and control all activities on features and jumps. Inverted jumps are not permitted.




Coaches are required to attend out-of-town races with the team when the FMCSS participation numbers require our own coaches to attend. It is expected that 1 Coach attends for each 10 racers. If more than one race occurs concurrently, a coach and appropriate chaperones may be provided to both events. It is also permitted for racers of the FMCSS to be 'adopted' by a coach from another club attending a race if the number of FMCSS racers is low and the FMCSS Head Coach(es) determine this approach is acceptable to give our racers the same quality of coach supervision and positive experience. If the FMCSS racers are adopted by another club, there must be at least 1 FMCSS designated chaperone.


If transportation to a race event is by rental or private vehicle, the Coach will be accompanied at each race by a chaperone of the Society to provide driving assistance and racers supervision after the race. This requirement may be waived if parents of all racers attending the race and the Coach agree to travel without the chaperone provided there are two drivers for the vehicle as per club policy.


Coaches will ski with their assigned group prior to the races (including course inspection) and after the races if time permits. The racers are to receive 2 hours of instruction each time out. A coach will be at the starting gate to instruct and encourage the racers.




The Team Race Calendar will be prepared by the Head Coach(es) based on the Alberta Alpine race calendar. The potential race/training events should be drafted and presented to the Board before June 1 setting of the next season budget. Confirmation or modifications to the calendar should be presented to the Board of Directors at least a week prior to the Society's annual fall meeting to be held usually by the end of October and scheduled as per Society's By-Laws. Selection of races or training should be based on individual racer goals, racer eligibility, and skills, taking into consideration the overall team benefit. Ratio of on-snow training days versus racing days should be consistent with Canadian Ski Coaches Federation recommendations.




Recruitment, Training, and Development of coaches are the responsibility of the Head Coach(es) with the Board being accountable to the membership for this structure to be in place. Coach development opportunities will be recommended by the Head Coach(es) and approved by the Board of Directors. Expenses for such courses/programs, if expected to be covered by the Society, must be part of the annual approved Budget or otherwise approved by the Board as a break-in expense.


To enhance communication between parents and coaches, prior to starting the program a meeting shall occur to meet the coach, racers and parents. A mid-season personal progress report shall be made available to the racer and parents.


2.0 Out of Town Races & Training Camps



Chaperone responsibilities are to ensure that discipline, safety while traveling and rules/regulations are maintained. Children are not permitted to attend an out-of-town event without a designated chaperone.


For each race or other out-of-town training event where transportation is by club rented vehicles or private vehicles, the U14/U16 Provincial, Regional and/or U12 NGSL Directors will designate chaperone, preference is to be given to the parent of a racer registered for the race.


For each race or other out-of-town training even where transportation is provided by the club through a chartered bus service or private vehicles with many parents attending, there will be an assumption that parents of racers will adhere to the responsibilities of chaperone to their child(ren) or will have assigned another parent the role of chaperone if not attending themselves


Discipline problems should be addressed immediately in consultation with the coach Section 4.0 titled, "Prohibitions & Discipline". Any problems should be reported back to the responsible Director.


A chaperone is responsible for the team members before and after the race.


This includes:

  • Preparing nutritious meals and bag lunches

  • Ensuring all allergies are respected

  • Assigning homework time

  • Maintaining a bedtime curfew


Chaperones are required to be a volunteer worker at the race. Alberta Alpine recommends a ratio of 1 volunteer for each 3 registered racers attending. There are several areas to volunteer in i.e. gatekeeping, bib collection, course worker, and race office. Chaperones do not have to know how to ski to volunteer -- there are numerous jobs that can be done by non-skiing volunteers. Notification of upcoming races will occur as soon as the race notice is posted and a call for volunteers is made. The Fundraising/ Volunteer Director in coordination with the NGSL or Regional Director for our club will then appeal to the membership to be available for volunteering at the noted race. Coordination of that volunteer effort between our club and the ROC of the race is the responsibility of the Fundraising/ Volunteer Director or the NGSL/Regional Director.




Racers are expected to stay with the group, although it may be possible to arrange visits with friends and/or relatives. The arrangements must be made in advance by the parent(s) with the COach and/or chaperone. The Coach should be aware of all arrangements that are being made as soon as possible.




The coach is responsible for racing, off-snow training, and on-snow activities. The coach is to share responsibility for the team with the chaperone while off the hill, e.g., tuning of ski equipment.


The Coach can take time off after the race after passing his/her responsibilities tot he chaperone. The coach is to share the driving with the chaperone where applicable (age limitations must be 25). The coach must be an authorized driver with the rental unit (if utilized) and hold a valid driver's license.






Trip planning, race registration, booking arrangement and racer notification is the U14/U16 Provincial, Regional and/or U12 NGSL Director's responsibility or their delegate. The Head Coach is to provide a list of recommended racers to enter the given race, and required Coaches to support the racers, no later than two weeks prior to the race or earlier if required parent/chaperone. Non-members and non-racers shall not assume a seat on club-provided transportation. Only when all members are confirmed and if seats are still available on club-provided transportation, will the opportunity to purchase a seat be made. These offerings are not guaranteed and will be on a first-come-first-serve reservation basis with payment required before departure.


Regarding accommodation arrangements, there will be a maximum of two racers of the same gender to share a double size bed. Unrelated members and racers of the opposite gender are not to share common accommodation and they are to stay in separate bedrooms. No unrelated members of opposite gender are allowed to share the same bed or room. Members of the opposite gender are allowed to share the same room when a parent shares the room. If only one member of the opposite gender is to travel, a coach or parent/chaperone of the same gender is required on this trip.




Overall costs for any trip shared between the Club and the Membership. Only a portion of club registration fees cover the extensive expenses for trips. During the Budget development cycle of each season, The Board of Directors will seek to minimize costs to membership and accurately categorize which costs are to be taken by the Club and which to the Membership. Advanced notice of estimated per racer costs will be given to membership prior to them being required to commit to a race or training trip.


Once the confirmed list of racers and coaches is in place, the Treasurer and appropriate Directors will provide detailed cost estimates to the Board before final approval to attend said race/training event is assumed. These costs to include such items as race registration fees, cost of lift tickets for coaches and racers, accommodation and meals for Coaches (according to the terms of their contract), accommodation for bus drivers and budgeted team meals. The cost estimate should be started as soon as notice of race is available and presented to the Board for final approval at least 2 weeks before departure.


It is a parent's responsibility to provide payments prior to the trip. The Treasurer will provide regular account updates to the parents. The Board may, on advice of the Treasurer, disallow a racer's participation on a trip if sufficient payments are not made.


All expense reports for associated billings are to be submitted to the Treasurer no later than one week after the trip. 




The decision of whether to attend a scheduled race will be subject to weather conditions, road conditions, and snow conditions at the race location. The determining factor will be the well-being and safety of the team members while on the road or on the hill. The safety of the team members while traveling or racing will be the most important factor. Safety will not be compromised for any reason!


When planning a trip out-of-town, if a private vehicle is utilized, it is a driver's responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is in a safe condition.


When traveling out-of-town in addition to a qualified driver, there will be a chaperone present on a trip to share driving and both are to ensure safe driving habits are maintained while on the road. In some circumstances, the responsible Director may allow on a shorter trip (Edmonton) no chaperone if authorized by the parent and if acceptable to the Coach.


The departure time from Fort McMurray for travel to an event must be established by the drivers and chaperones in consultation with the U12 NGSL, U14/U16 Provincial or Regional Director(s). The target time must take into consideration any school constraints for the athletes that cannot be rescheduled, the weather and road conditions, and the target distance for that day. In general, it is desirable to maximize the distance traveled under daylight conditions to enhance the safety of the group and to allow the athletes to have sufficient rest/ sleep time to be able to perform in the initial races. For travel beyond Canmore/ Banff, such as a race at Panorama, the travel schedule should be planned for an initial arrival in Canmore early on the first evening, with continuation the next morning. This plan also assists the drivers in managing their personal fatigue.


Drivers, coaches, and chaperones are to be experienced drivers in winter conditions. Late-night driving after midnight should be limited as much as possible and every effort should be made to depart from a ski area after the race as soon as possible when returning to Fort McMurray. In case of severe weather or unsafe road conditions, the persons in charge of the team shall abort the return trip and stay overnight.


For any transportation provided by the FMCSS (i.e. team bus, van or rental vehicle), all occupants must wear a seatbelt at all times. Wearing seat belts is mandatory and it is the driver/chaperone's responsibility to enforce this policy while traveling. Offenders will be dealt with under Section 4.0 titled "Prohibitions & Discipline"


To ensure communication with the U12 NGSL, U14/U16 Provincial or Regional Director while away, a coach or a chaperone will carry a cellphone.

3.0 Training on the Hill

Groups will ski together at all times --- no tree skiing or out of boundary skiing. Whenever possible, breaks will be taken as a group. All racers in the U14/U16 Provincial and Regional Program will help with course setting, carrying gates and returning equipment to a lock-up area.


Parents and racers are responsible for being ready for training on time. If the racer will be absent from training, the Coach must be informed.


Winter temperatures are taken into consideration for training days. Depending on the forecast temperature, training days may have a delayed start, shortened duration or be canceled. The Program will be canceled for the day if the forecast high temperature for that day will not be warmer than -25C. It shall be the Parents' responsibility to check notifications from the Ski Team to confirm any changes to regular training times or cancellation.

4.0 Prohibitions & Discipline

All racers and coaches must obey all ski hill rules and follow basic etiquette at all times. All represent the Fort McMurray Ski Team and as an ambassador of the team, they must lead by example.




The following activities and behaviors will not be tolerated:

  • The use/abuse of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs

  • The lack of respect for fellow racers and coaches

  • The use of profanity, back talk, habitual absence

  • Theft or abuse of ski club, ski hill, or other's property

  • Gambling for money (card playing is permitted as long as no money is involved)


All racers shall treat each other respectfully, be supportive of each other in an equal way regardless of age, seniority on the team, ski abilities or gender. Newcomers to the team should be welcomed and supported.




Minor Problem:

  • Minor problems will be handled immediately and as deemed appropriate by the Coach and/or chaperone. Any disciplinary action taken must be reported to the applicable Head Coach when reasonable.


Major Problem:

  • For a serious or repeated infraction, the racer will be sent home to Fort McMurray at the parents' expense (for out of town races/training) or suspended from the program.

  • The Coach and/or chaperone will contact the parent and discuss the arrangements for sending the racer home. They will notify the Director within 24 hours.

  • The Director and Head Coach will deal with any disciplinary action required within 48 hours of notifying the parent. The Board will decide if the racer will be allowed to fo on further ski trips or if the racer is to be dropped as a member of the ski team. All parents involved will be notified and kept informed.


The following will bring automatic suspension from the team for at least one season:

  • Drugs

  • Alcohol

  • Vandalism

  • Theft


It is recognized that at times exceptional unexpected circumstances will arise which the Coach and/or chaperone must deal with. Common sense and the best interests of the racers, the parents, and the FMCSS will guide their actions. Damage to the property caused by an individual racer will be charged back to parents.


The racer may appeal the decision of the Board to a special Disciplinary Panel if requested.

5.0 Fundraising and Volunteer Commitment

Fundraising and Volunteer efforts are an integral part of the success of the club. All members are required to complete the minimum volunteer hours as communicated on the registration website. The Board of Directors will establish the levy and volunteer hours required by each family before the registration start of each season. Volunteer levy cheques will only be cashed if the member family does not submit the confirmed hours complete by the end of the ski season, or otherwise as notified by the Fundraising/Volunteer Director. Levy cheques shall not be part of revenue assumptions during the Budget planning cycle.


It is the members' responsibility to complete their minimum volunteer hours, obtain the responsible Director signatures against their hours and submit their completed form to the Fundraising/Volunteer Director on time.


The Fundraising/Volunteer Director will advise the Board of any issues regarding completion of this exercise and will instruct the Treasurer of which cheques to cash or destroy.

6.0 Rules for Parents

Participants must be on time for all dryland and on hill training. Coaches will have complete control of skiers during training and races.


Coaches are working to improve the skier's abilities and parents are expected not to interfere in a training process. If the parents have issues or concerns with the coaching they must be brought through the responsible Director(s).


Skiers are expected to take part in all evening (as applicable) and weekend training. If this poses a problem, the parent should report to the Coach involved prior to training.


Note: The Society's Board of Directors requires that all parents review these Rules & Regulations with their children to ensure they understand the rules.

7.0 Administration



In addition to the minimum Board of Directors positions outlined in the By-Laws of the Society, the following positions have been declared and created by the Executive as required to sustain the functioning of the Club:




The Vice-President is to act as a back-up for the President, to fill in for the President in the absence of the President. The Vice-President will coordinate the hiring of the coaches and administers the coach's contracts.




This Director is responsible for the supervision and administration of the U14/U16 Provincial Racing Programs. The U14/U16 Director liaises with the governing bodies and in cooperation with the Head Coach establishes the annual Training and Racing schedules for the U14/U16 Racing Programs. The U14/U16 Director is responsible for enrollment within the Provincial Racing programs.


The Director is responsible for the communication to the participants and member families of plans, results, and issues. In cooperation with the coach, this Director is responsible for all travel and race registration arrangements. The Director must ensure reservations for races and accommodations travel, for racers, coaches and chaperones are completed on time and in accordance with the policy on out-of-town races.




The Regional Director is responsible for the supervision and administration of the Regional Racing Programs. The Director liaises with the governing bodies and in cooperation with the Head Coach establishes the annual Training and Racing schedules etc. for the Racing Programs. The Regional Director is responsible for enrollment within the Regional Racing Programs.


This Director is responsible for the communication to the regional participants and member families of plans, results, and issues. In cooperation with the coach, the Director is responsible for all travel and race registration arrangements. The Director must ensure reservations for races and accommodations travel, for racers, coaches and chaperones are completed on time and in accordance with the policy on out-of-town races.




The U12/NGSL Director is responsible for the supervision and administration of the U12 Program. The Director liaises with the governing bodies and in cooperation with the Head Coach establishes the annual Training and Racing schedules for the local U12/NGSL. This Director is responsible for enrollment within the U12/NGSL Program.


This Director is responsible for the communication to the U12 League participants and member families of plans, results, and issues. THe U12/NGSL Director is responsible in cooperation with the coach for all travel and race registration arrangements. The Director must insure reservations for races and accommodations travel, for racers, coaches and chaperones are completed on time and in accordance with the policy on out-of-town races.




The Fundraising and Volunteer Director is responsible for researching and organizing a variety of possible fundraising and volunteer projects and submitting proposals to the Board. These commitments may occur during the entire year and not limited to just the winter ski season. This Director will supervise the Fundraising and Volunteer Event Coordinators.


This role also includes organizing and scheduling casino fundraising event(s), including coordination of casino applications staffing and liaison with gaming authorities.


The Director will encourage member participation in fundraising and volunteer projects and will be responsible for tracking attendance of family participation to these events.


The Fundraising and Volunteer Director is responsible for completion of all submissions and applications to governing bodies for fundraising projects (Govt. of Alberta, Govt. of Canada, Alberta Sports Council, Municipal Govt.).


Together with the Treasurer, this Director will establish the qualification requirements for a family to have their fundraising/volunteer levy returned and ensure that all fundraising and/or volunteer commitments are met prior to the refund being made.




The M&PR Director is responsible for liaison with the media to ensure that the image of the Society encourages public support and participation in fundraising projects.


The M&PR Director will invite the News and media to races and events and will provide them with results and emphasize program accomplishments, in a timely and effective manner.


The M&PR Director will assist the U14/U16 Provincial, Regional, and U12/NGSL Program Directors with enrollment promotions. He/She will work in cooperation with the Fundraising and Volunteer Director for publicizing projects.


The M&PR Director is responsible for updating the Society's website, Facebook page, and any other social media outlet.




The role of the Corporate Sponsorship Director is to foster, build upon and maintain significant goodwill value between The Fort McMurray Competitive Ski Society and the local business community.


Responsibilities of this Director include but are not limited to such activities as giving a copy of our Sponsorship Program to our sponsors of record for the current ski season outlining the levels of sponsorship and what our club does for them in return, engaging new businesses to add to the current sponsorship as goal for each new season and obtaining funding or gifts in kind from local businesses.


Outside of the regular annual sponsorship obtained, the Corporate Sponsorship Director also engages sponsors for any special events to assist with support in the form of funding and/or gifts for awards and prizes.




This position is available to be held by a member in good standing, voted in during a General Meeting. This position has no defined role and may be utilized to support and share duties of any one or more of the Director roles as requested. This Director role is a full voting position with expectations to attend all Board meetings in the same manner as all specific defined Director positions. 




The Past President is to provide guidance to the Board to ensure continuity of procedures and practices. This is a non-voting position.




DEFINITION: Where a member is in a position to receive benefit or gain, direct or indirect, from the decision or vote.


If a member from Vista Ridge Board is on the ski club Board and an issue of potential conflict of interest arises, that member will excuse himself or herself from the discussion or vote.


If a member from Vista Ridge staff is on the Board and an issue of potential conflict of interest arises, that member will excuse himself or herself from the discussion or vote.




Members may address the board at an open forum at the start of each board meeting. Prior notification of the board is required.




Confidentiality of all matters discussed by the board will be strictly maintained unless the Board deems it necessary to bring an issue before the general membership.


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